A lot has happened in the last 3 years. After surgery in March of 2007, Ivan made huge strides and completed 3 years of preschool. He continued speech and occupational therapy through the school and the hospital and also started daily growth hormone shots. This past April, he had his 6 year scans, they showed the metopic suture has closed again and now his sagittal suture has also closed. His second surgery is scheduled for September 7. Say a prayer for our mighty mouse.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Very Good Day

It has been a wonderful day.
*The fluid that was sent to the lab was serous fluid and didn't contain any bacteria.
*Some of the fluid is already reabsorbing into his body.
*Ivan has been released to go to school on September 7.
*No more bacitracin on the stitches.
*Stitches should start falling out in 2 or 3 weeks.
*No pokes!
*We saw the toy train at the snack bar at Children's Mercy.  It was back on its tracks and moving along.
*We ate lunch at Red Robin. 
*He ate a ton of mac and cheese and gulped down two glasses of orange juice.
* Ivan did the happy dance several times today.
*He is beginning to answer questions in complete, appropriate sentences.
*He stood next to a dog for 10 minutes and didn't grab her tail once!
*Ivan hasn't stuttered since surgery.
*His vocabulary is expanding... words and phrases we've never heard him say.
*Next follow-up with the surgeon is 3 months away!

Celebrating my beautiful sister.
One year brain tumor survivor.
Love you Susie


  1. You all deserve a good day and many more to come!
    Love to all,

  2. Aww, thanks. I love you too. And Ivan, keep being awesome!
