A lot has happened in the last 3 years. After surgery in March of 2007, Ivan made huge strides and completed 3 years of preschool. He continued speech and occupational therapy through the school and the hospital and also started daily growth hormone shots. This past April, he had his 6 year scans, they showed the metopic suture has closed again and now his sagittal suture has also closed. His second surgery is scheduled for September 7. Say a prayer for our mighty mouse.

Monday, August 23, 2010


During the appointment today the nurses tried to drain the fluid that is collecting.  They were only able to get a teaspoon or two out, so they tried with a smaller needle (the first needle was about 5 inches long).  The second, slightly smaller needle didn't make a difference, the fluid wasn't budging.  For now, we are assuming it is many small pockets of seroma;  it has been sent to the lab partly because Ivan has been running a low-grade fever since surgery and partly because they need to be positive that it is serous fluid and it isn't infected.  The good news is that it wasn't spinal fluid.  We should know more tomorrow or Wednesday when we go see Dr. Singhal for his post surgery appointment.  Poor guy, the numbing cream (magic lotion) didn't seem to make a difference in the pain, the last thing he said to me before I kissed him goodnight was, "I didn't like those pokes." 

While we waited on the numbing cream to work its magic, we had an interesting chat with the nurses.  When doctors first started performing craniosynostosis surgeries in the 1960's, there were only a handful of surgeons in the country willing to take the risk.  Once a year, a surgeon would come to our area and examine about one hundred patients then pick a few for surgery.  After surgery, the kids would stay in the hospital for a month or more.  Quite different than the 3 days Ivan spent last week. 
They also talked about the growing concern for the lack of young surgeons specializing in plastics, and especially CS.  Not every major metropolitan area has a doctor specializing in CS.  We are so grateful to have one of the very best so close to us.  This is just one of the reasons the publicity and research is so vital to the kids. 

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