A lot has happened in the last 3 years. After surgery in March of 2007, Ivan made huge strides and completed 3 years of preschool. He continued speech and occupational therapy through the school and the hospital and also started daily growth hormone shots. This past April, he had his 6 year scans, they showed the metopic suture has closed again and now his sagittal suture has also closed. His second surgery is scheduled for September 7. Say a prayer for our mighty mouse.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Stronger, Faster, Awesomer.

Day #6
Today  Ivan starting acting more like himself.  It has been his first full day without pain meds.  We've been hanging around the house reading books and playing on the computer.  His balloons are with him wherever he goes.  He'll tell us that he is going to his room to have some "quiet time".  We aren't sure if he is really sleeping or just needs some time to relax with his eyes closed. This morning we did go to Alex's football practice for a few minutes, Ivan had fun swinging and watching friends play.   His appetite isn't back, although he will eat ice cream!  We figure it must hurt to chew. 

Seems like he is healing faster this time.  We have noticed the stuttering that he struggled with since January is gone!  Once again, we are beyond thankful for all the blessings that surround our family. 

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